Just Start

Don't Just Survive, Thrive! The Gen X Guide to Optimal Hydration for Peak Performance!

β€’ Neil Damackine

Hey there, welcome back to Just Start, the go-to podcast for Gen Xers looking to elevate their fitness and well-being. Are you tired of feeling sluggish, mentally foggy, or just not at your best? You might be overlooking a crucial element that's as simple as it is vital: hydration. In today's episode, we're peeling back the layers on this often-neglected topic to reveal how proper hydration can be your secret weapon for enhanced brain function and muscle performance.

We're not just talking about sipping water here; we're diving deep into the science-backed facts that will change the way you think about hydration. You'll learn why it's especially important for our Gen X audience, and we'll arm you with actionable tips to keep you at the top of your game. Trust me, by the end of this episode, you'll be reaching for that water bottle like never before. So stick around, because this is one episode you won't want to miss!

Just before the main topic, we take a moment to appreciate the power in Oliver Anthony's new song, "Rich Man Up in Richmond," and how it resonates with the challenges faced by the working class. It's no secret that living a fitness lifestyle, combined with faith in God and family, can do wonders to help us navigate through life's obstacles,

Check out Oliver Anthony's song Rich Man Up in Richmond here

Last but not least, we're announcing a new ebook guide and the 1 simple thing you can do to get it for free.  

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Coach Neil D [00:00:58]:

Hey, guys. Welcome back. we got a fantastic episode for you today. We're gonna talk about hydration, the role that it plays. It's a key in everything from brain function to muscle performance, yet it's for so many of us it's something that we overlook too easily. We're gonna discover the science behind hydration. We're gonna look at why it's crucial for us in Gen X and how we can ensure that you're staying adequately hydrated. Before we jump into that, I was just listening to Oliver Anthony's new song, Rich Man North of Richmond... Wow. This song is so powerful, it really got me choked up when I was listening to it because he talks about all these things that are so real and, you know, how the working man has so much going against him and it's tough out there. It's tough out there for so many people. But I can tell you one thing is that living the fitness lifestyle for me is one of those things that helps to elevate my consciousness above all of the crap out there and all the things that are designed to bring you down and, you know, between the fitness lifestyle and my belief in God and His Son Jesus Christ, let me tell you, friends, these are all the keys that I need. God, family and the fitness lifestyle, it's all I need. Alright. Let's get into the show.

So First off, we're gonna discuss the science of hydration. Now I don't know if you guys know most you probably do, but our bodies are made of upwards of 55% water, and you can hear some people saying up to 75%. That's because the percentage of your body composed of water, has a lot to do with your body composition.
The more body composition becomes fat heavy the higher the percentage is gonna go. So water, it's the main component of our bodies and it's essential for nearly every biological function we have.
But what happens when we don't get enough water? Today, we're gonna break down the science of hydration into 3 important parts.
-Water's role in exercise, and
-What hydration means specifically for us guys in Gen X.
Okay, now this is important, because it means different things to different people at different points. We're gonna talk about Gen X, what it means to us. So let's begin with a question. What effects can dehydration have on your body? Alright. Have you ever felt a headache coming on after a long day or your skin feeling dry and itchy, well, these are some of the common signs of dehydration. It's not just your mouth is dry.
So think of dehydration like running your car without enough oil. Things start to grind, they heat up and slow down. It's not just about feeling thirsty, dehydration can actually make you feel tired, give you a headache, dry your skin, and it's even gonna affect your mood.
Your tired, your head aches and your skin is dry, yeah, you're not gonna be like all colorful smiles, right? So imagine your body is a well-oiled machine and without enough water, your gears are gonna start to stick.
Okay, what about too little water and exercise performance?
It's not just about winning gold, it's having a functioning body to drive around in right? You gotta get out there, you gotta do stuff, when you exercise, you sweat and that sweat is water leaving your body, lose too much and your performance dips. Think of it like trying to run a race with a weighted backpack. The more dehydrated you are, the heavier your backpack feels. Water helps your muscles work smoothly. It keeps your joints lubricated and even helps you recover faster after a tough workout.

Simply put Staying hydrated keeps your engine running smoothly during those intense workouts and crazy days too for that matter. And I said I was gonna tell you how it affects Gen X, how it affects us guys in the 40s to 50s something category.

Well, my fellow Gen Xers, yes, our bodies have specific needs, as our body's age our thirst signals and get this, our body's thirst signal can get a bit lazy. Go figure, not telling us when we need water until we're already running low. On top of that, the kidneys may not conserve water as they used to. It's sort of like having a leaky bucket.
And if you drink coffee or alcohol, well, guess what? Both can make you lose even more water. So being proactive about drinking enough water isn't just like good advice or something that some esoteric yogi in the mountains says, oh, it's great. No. No. No. It's essential for keeping our bodies feeling energetic and healthy. Understanding the signs of dehydration and the role of water on a daily routine and workout is like the first step towards you know, optimizing your hydration. And for us Gen X guys, being mindful of hydration levels helps us to perform at our best. And that's not just when you're working out, but it's in life too.
Okay? So we've established that hydration is not an option, but How much water do you really need? One says, 8 glasses, 10 glasses, oh, two liters, whatever.
Let's explore that next. So how much water do you need? Well, it's not as simple as a set number of glasses for everyone. Think of it like choosing the right pair choose. What fits one person might not fit another, your age, your weight, how active you are, and even the weather play a role. Let's say a hot day or strenuous workout means you might need more water while a sedentary day and cool weather might mean you need less. Right? Okay. So The key is listening to your body and adapting. Yeah. So there are some elements to consider when it comes to workouts. Hydration is more than just grabbing a water ball on your way to gym. It's a bit like how you'll enjoy a road trip more if you plan ahead. So to prepare you for your next trip to the gym or your next road trip in life,

Here are a few hydration strategies for before, during, and after your next workout. Okay?
- Before exercise. before you're even at the gym, before you're even, out there for that run, that bike ride, whatever, going skiing, drink a glass or 2 of water about hour before you workout. Think of it as like priming the pump and if you're going to be doing resistance training, you actually will get a better pump from doing this. Okay. 
- During exercise, keep a water bottle handy and take sips, especially if you're sweating a lot. It's like topping off the tag as you go you really should be sipping enough that you never feel thirsty.
- And after exercise, rehydrate to replace the water you've lost. This helps your body recover, sort of like cooling down the engine after a long drive. These are some pretty simple strategies. They're gonna help make sure that you're hydrated for workouts, but they're pretty good for work-related activities like going to on a production plant or a construction tour as well.
So if you got something like that, a road trip plan, then you're gonna be, you know, walking around. You wanna stay mentally alert and everything, follow that protocol.  Remember, look that these are just sample suggestions it's important to listen to your body and drink water whenever you feel thirsty and that can include some additional elements according to your micronutrient expenditures.

Can you tailor hydration, well I think you can. Our bodies might not signal thirst as quickly, and our daily routines can vary pretty widely from site and board meetings to family outings to hitting the gym, each day or each part of your day might have a different hydration need. Just keep a water bottle close by and be mindful of how you're feeling. Don't wait till you're parched to take a drink. For us, staying ahead of the thirst is the game plan.
So remember, there's no magic number out there that fits all. It's about knowing your body, planning ahead, especially around workouts, and being proactive about hydration. So next time you head out for your day or your workout, just think of your water as the oil in your pump and make sure you're topped up.

Now I bet some of you were thinking water is great, but what about other kinds of drinks? Can food hydrate? Well, good news. Hydrating isn't just about chugging down plain glass after glass of plain water. Well, that's what I do, but I like it and that's and that's okay. But there are some good-tasting alternatives also.
First, we're gonna look at the role of electrolytes. So when you sweat, you lose not only water, but also electrolytes, like sodium of a potassium, and these are crucial for muscle function and energy. Some sports drinks contain electrolytes, and they can be an acceptable option after a sweat-producing workout. Like we mentioned in a previous episode, just be mindful of the sugar content. and choosing something that isn't loaded with extra calories, depending on what your goals are there are a few I really like including PowerMax and Cyclogen, These ones do the trick for me.
Now, do hydrating foods count? Well, why not, you can eat your water too. Yeah. You heard that right. Fruits and vegetables like watermelon, cucumbers, oranges, their packed with water, and incorporating these into your diet can help you stay hydrated without feeling like you sipping on a bottle of water. Now understand that you're not getting high concentrations of water, and there's gonna be naturally occurring sugars. So depending on your caloric needs again, a couple of mangoes might not be the way to go, but a well-paced, well-timed piece of fruit can be a refreshing pit stop on your hydration journey. No pun intended. Alright. So sports drinks, sports drinks, a lot of people, that the first thing that they do is reach for a sports drink and quite frankly, sometimes it can be good, but sometimes not so much. They could be handy, especially after an intense exercise when you need to replace water you know and electrolytes because they're important. But they're not always necessary for a light jog or a casual workout. Picture them like high-octane fuel, great for a sports car on a race day, but maybe too much for a daily commute, and be mindful of when and why you're using them. I look for the ones without a bunch of sugar. Once again, there are a few I really like. Yep. That's PowerMax and Cyclagen. And you know what? I can actually put a link to them in the show notes. Hydration doesn't have to be boring, and it's not just about water. If you mix in hydrating foods and understand when drinks are appropriate. You can keep your hydration on track in a more interesting and varied way.

Now remember guys, hydration is like keeping your car running smoothly. water, electrolytes, hydrating foods. They all play a part in keeping you at your best and exploring these options to find out what works best for you can be interesting and it can be quite rewarding and it can help you a lot. So far we've talked about why hydration is essential how much we need and where we can find it beyond the water bottle. But let's get down to the nuts and bolts.

How can busy guys like us make sure that we stay hydrated through a jam-packed day. Let's talk about creating a hydration routine. So just like we plan our workouts and our meals, we can plan our hydration If you wanna develop a hydration habit, steal this sample protocol I put together with times, quantities and reasons to drink water throughout the day.
Okay? Here we go.
-First thing in the morning. Drink 1, 2 glasses of water. You get up right away, 1, 2 glasses of water. First thing in the morning. Drink those 2 glasses. to rehydrate after a night's sleep. You jump start your metabolism and support your healthy digestion.
So that's first thing in the morning. haven't even had breakfast? Nothing bang. First thing, 2 glass of water. Get up, go to can, looking at yourself in the front of the mirror, maybe about to shave, bang - two glass of water, knock them back. You're good.
- Mid morning. You got through your morning you're in the mid morning. Drink a glass of water. 8 ounces around midmorning. It's gonna boost your energy levels, and it's gonna help you with mental clarity. Water actually promotes mental clarity. Here you are. You had first thing in the morning, 2 glasses, 1, 2 glasses, mid morning, and you're good.
- Before meals, okay, this is a big one. Drink a glass of water 30 minutes before your meal. It's gonna help your digestion, and it's gonna help you feel a little fuller and prevent, possibly help you to prevent overeating during your meal. k?
So you got 1st thing in the morning, you got mid morning, you got before meals, next afternoon - slump time.
- Drink a glass of water around mid afternoon to combat the fatigue and increase your alertness, you've had your lunch. You might feel a little bit slower and everything in the mid-afternoon so drink lots of water. It's gonna help claw back fatigue, and it's gonna increase alertness.
- We mentioned this one before, let's hit it again - before and after exercise.
Drink a glass of water or two, 8, 16 ounces before and after exercise to maintain your hydration and help regulate your body temperature. Sip some during your exercise too. Go for it. Do it. Okay.
- And last but not least, evenings. Did you know that dehydration can lead to restless nights while proper hydration helps you wake up feeling refreshed and energized. Yep. It does. Hydration affects your sleep quality by regulating your body temperature and ensuring your body's various systems function smoothly throughout the night. So drink a glass of water at least 8 ounces in the evening to keep you hydrated throughout the night and support your body's natural detoxification process.
- And here's a bonus tip, keep a reusable water bottle on your desk or in your car, in your gym bag, think of it as your hydration sidekick always there when you need them. I was given a fantastic gift. I got this metal water bottle. Actually, I got a couple of them. I got one that's, probably holds about 32 ounces (meant 16 oz) and the other one holds about a liter. and I bring these things with me everywhere. There's there's a bunch of companies that are making them now, but it's a really simple design. It's basically a double-walled aluminum bottle, and it'll keep things warm or it'll keep things cold and this thing's amazing. I've left this thing in the truck underneath the boiling sun got back to it, the water's still, pretty cool and everything. Really good.
- And the last bonus tip I got for you is to schedule regular water breaks You can even set an alarm on your phone or in your planner if you need to, especially if your days tend to run away from you.
So, reusable water bottle, schedule those water breaks, and set some alarms. Hey, it's good, man.

Now let's look at some of the beverages that can actually dehydrate because this is important too. Right? A lot of people think I can drink whatever as long as it's liquid, it's good. Well, no, not necessarily true. There's coffee and there's alcohol.
While enjoyable to many who are listening, I get it, they are a slow leak in your hydration levels so if you wanna continue using them, just balance them out with some water. If you have a cup of coffee or a beer or something, follow it with a glass of water. It's like having a safety net to catch any potential hydration drops. Okay? There may be some other reasons why you wanna stop, but right now, we're talking just about hydration so if you're gonna have those drinks, follow them up with a glass of water.
I know that in spite of all of this information, there's gonna probably be plenty of people who are not gonna think about it a lot.
But guess what? I got some final little tips to help you remember or to be your own detective to find out whether or not you actually need to hydrate regardless of the fact that probably your body's not telling you you're thirsty. 1st. And, yep, we're gonna go there. Check the color of your urine. So pale pale yellow means you're well hydrated. As it gets darker, start drinking water and start doing it more regularly.
And also, you need to monitor how you feel. Are you tired? are you foggy-headed? This might mean that you need to water top up and don't forget foods like soups and smoothies. They do count also.
Okay? So look, the bottom line is hydration doesn't have to be a chore. It's not supposed to be a puzzle. It's just about setting up habits and being aware of what can set you back and knowing your body. Okay? I think by now, most of you guys know your body's fairly well. The good, the bad, and the ugly, and also the beautiful, and awesome. So you now got a bunch of practical strategies and your tool box that I want you to take and I want you to make them yours and you're gonna see you're gonna be well on the way to making hydration an effortless part of your daily routine. It just makes sense.

Alright. So before we summarize today's hydration journey, I got something special to share with you today. Now if you've been feeling that urge, that spark inside telling you it's time to take control of your health, your fitness, to feel energized, strong, and confident again, then you're gonna wanna hear this. I've been working on a project that's near and dear to my heart. It's a short ebook guide designed specifically for you, the Gen X guy who's ready to awaken to a new chapter of health and fitness. And guess what? It's almost ready. So before you start thinking, ah, another fitness book let me tell you what makes this guide different.
First off, it's not a quick fix or a magic solution. It's about planning your fitness lifestyle, understanding your unique needs as a Gen X man, and taking those first empowering step towards transformation. Now I've poured my experience, my passion, and my understanding of what it means to be a guy in the 40s, 50s, prioritizing professional responsibilities into this guide. It's tailored to help you recognize your needs and your pain points and provide you with actionable insights to start your journey. And here's the exciting part, this ebook is just the beginning.
Come December 2023 I'll be launching a brand new online fitness lifestyle community. It's gonna be a place where like-minded men can connect, find support, and grow together a place where you can find the tools, guidance, and tribe to make your fitness lifestyle a reality too. So how can you get your hands on it, simple, just sign up for my mailing list, that's it! By signing up, you'll be among the first to receive the fitness lifestyle guide once it's published and you'll also get exclusive updates about the online community. This guide is not an end-all solution. It's a starting point. It's gonna be a road map to help you plan your fitness lifestyle, it's about igniting that spark and taking the first steps towards a stronger, healthier, better you.
Okay so, guys, I believe in you. I believe in our generation's power to rise to transform and take back our health and fitness, and I can't wait to share this journey with you so head over to championfit365.com, sign up and let's start this adventure together. Let's build a community. Let's build strength. and let's build a life that feels as good as it looks.

Alright. Let's get back to the conclusion of today's topic of hydration.
-Dehydration is like driving with the handbrake on. It slows you down and it wears you out.
- Water, is your high-grade oil, especially around workouts. So top-her off,
- Hydrating foods and electrolytes, they're like the gourmet pit stops on your hydration highway and daily habits.
That's your roadmap to hydration success helping us guys avoid detours and breakdowns.
So next time you reach for that morning coffee, consider a water chaser. If you're feeling a bit off during the day, maybe it's not your boss or the traffic getting to you, perhaps you're just thirsty. So remember staying hydrated isn't just for racehorses and cacti, it's for us busy Gen Xers who want to feel and perform at our best.

I wanna thank you for tuning in to today's episode on Hydration, the elixir of life (and great workouts). Check out the show notes for links and special offers from our sponsors and until next time, the last thing I wanna share with you is that even small changes can get you big results. So stay wet my friends, and join us next time as we dive into another essential topic for living a healthy and fit Gen X Lifestyle. Talk to you soon.

Voice Guy [00:21:26]:

You've been listening to just start. Early in life, Neil D went from a skinny to a muscular physique. When trends and lifestyle choices led him down a path of fat gain and lost motivation, his determination to end the madness became a transformative system and a passion for helping genx live the fitness lifestyle for fat loss, mobility, and muscular development. We hope you liked the show. If you did, like rate and review. For more info and to reach out to Coach Neal personally, find us on Facebook and Instagram. See you next time. on just start.

Links and Promos Here
For Professional Nutrition PowerMax and CLEAN Nutrition Cyclagen
grab a 15% discount code on my page. The Powermax link will lead you direct to the store, check out both of them, both great great IMO.

FYI, I stand 100% behind these and any other product I might recommend from this supplier because I actually know exactly where they are manufactured (right here in North America), each ingredient used, and the quality of the ingredients sourced. 

Check out this 1-liter double-walled water bottle, I think you'll be pretty happy with it.  

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