Just Start

The Transformation Blueprint: 10 Proven Strategies for Fitness and Wellness Mastery After 40!, Part 1

Neil Damackine

Hey there, Gen-Xers! Welcome back to another groundbreaking episode of Just Start! Today is a special day because we've hit a milestone—Episode 10! Can you believe it? Time flies when you're getting fit and fabulous, doesn't it?

Now, let's get down to business. We know the fitness world is a jungle of information, and it's easy to get lost. That's why we've curated a two-part episode that cuts through the noise and delivers the real deal. We're talking about the 10 game-changing strategies that actually work for men and women over 40. From biohacking your way to better sleep to becoming a stress management ninja, we've got you covered!

But before we jump in, let's ponder on this age-old wisdom from the Stoics: "No man is free who is not the master of himself." Profound, right? And guess what? Mastery starts with knowledge, and that's what we're serving up today, hot and fresh!

So strap in, because we're about to take you on a whirlwind tour of actionable tips and tricks that will transform your life from the inside out. By the end of this episode, you'll be armed with a treasure trove of life-changing insights. So let's get started, because small steps lead to big results when you just start!

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Voice Guy [00:00:00]:

And fitness lifestyle for fat loss, mobility, and muscular development. You're about to get real and raw info on how to change your life. Welcome to Just Start. Now your host, Neil D.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:00:17]:

We're back guys with Episode number 10. This is actually a big episode for me. We're, like, in double digits, and, you know, it just seems like yesterday well, Really was not long ago that I started the podcast and just being, like, yeah, episode number 10 for me. It's like it's a big thing. So I I wanted to do something special for this episode, And I came up with a whole bunch of ideas, scrap most of them, and, you know, it was it just sorta, like, dawned on me a couple of days ago. There's so much noise out there. There's much stuff. You know? Everybody's coming from this camp or that camp.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:00:46]:

Everybody's got this opinion and everything. But, you know, you can break it down really simply into things that work and things that don't. Alright? There are things that really work well, and there's other things that, you know, meh. No. Not so much. And so, This episode is gonna be well, the idea for this episode was 10 things that actually work for us guys over 40. Okay? And As I started to put this episode together, and I realized that there was a lot of information that I want to give, so I've separated this these 10 things into 2 episodes. So this is gonna be the first of 2.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:01:21]:

So we got episode 10 and the and the following episode, episode 11. They're all gonna be, on the same topic. So 10 things that actually actually work For Gen X. Okay? For for us guys over 40. Okay? So the first thing that we're gonna touch on well, no. Before we go in, we're gonna jump in with a stoic There's a couple of guys I'm ref that I'm referring to. Today is gonna be a and he has this quote. He says, no man is free who is not the master of himself.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:01:49]:

And those are super solid words that stand by themselves. But as you know, mastery starts with knowledge, and that's what we're here to serve up for you today. So are you ready? Alright. The first thing that we're gonna talk about or number 10 on my list of things that actually work For us guys over 40 and gals too is biohacking. When I first started hearing about biohacking, I was like, what is this? Is this like another gimmick? This is like another wordplay, you know, like, the of the same thing over, you know, that whatever, some, you know, mumbo jumbo. And, effectively, I'm telling you that Actually, biohacking is a thing. Okay? But it's not like some science fiction movie plot. It's it's actually it's a lot simpler than that.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:02:29]:

And we can define it as making Small incremental changes to your body, your diet, and your lifestyle that helps to level up your health and well-being. Think of it as human enhancement. But instead of just being, like, you know, like the subject, you're the scientist and the subject. And this is gonna help you from boosting brain function to shedding those change pounds faster. Biohacking has a lot there for you. Okay? And we're gonna I'm gonna focus on biohacking specifically for optimizing your circadian Sleep rhythm. Now what is a circadian rhythm? It is your body's internal clock. And if you ever wonder why you feel sleepy at the same when it comes to your overall being.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:03:19]:

So here's a couple of things that affect your circadian rhythm. 1 is light exposure. Getting natural light getting as much natural light during the day, that big ball of fire in the sky, as you possibly can, can actually help regulate your internal clock. So step outside, soak up some rays, and let your body do its thing. And I know that if you're not getting enough sun, you know, we talk about vitamin d and everything. It's super important. That's a great But the more sun you can get, the better it is. Alright? Next up, meal timing.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:03:51]:

You are what you eat. But did you know it also matters When you eat? Yeah. It does. So consistent meal timing is really something that can help your circadian rhythm Keep it in check. Okay? So try to eat your meals around the same time every day. Your body is gonna thank you. Something else which helps to optimize your circadian sleep rhythm change is physical activity. Okay? Here's where things get interesting, and exercises are just good for muscle or losing weight.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:04:18]:

It can also help you regulate your internal clock. Whether it's a morning mobility session or a workout at some other point in the day, just we gotta keep moving. Okay, guys? We got to keep moving. Last, and I've spoken about this before, technology. Technology in sleep. Okay? This may be a last on my little short list of Circadian rhythm biohacks, but it is super important. It's definitely not least. So we're gonna talk about screens.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:04:46]:

You know, those glow glowing rectangles that we can't seem to live without. Well, limiting screen time before hitting the sack actually improve your sleep quality. Everybody knows this. We know this. I know this. So put down that phone and let your body wind down naturally. Okay. And what I like to do, what I in a perfect world, I would say no screens like 2 hours before you go to bed.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:05:11]:

Alright? No screens. None. Just Get rid of them. And 2 hours is really, really nothing. I guarantee you're gonna get to sleep easier. You're gonna have a a deeper, higher quality of sleep as you do that. It will be awesome. So we talked about biohacking for sleep, for your optimal health.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:05:27]:

So you know what else needs some fine tuning? Your stress levels. Yeah. Let's dive into how you can manage stress like a pro. K? K. We talk about stress. One of the things that we're gonna open the conversation with is Cortisol, the stress hormone. When you're stressed, Your body pumps out cortisol like it's going out of style, but here's the kicker. Manage that stress, and you can actually lower Those cortisol levels is like turning down the volume on a loud speaker that's blaring in your ears.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:06:10]:

Alright? Another thing that can help to manage stress Think of it like this. It's a legit way to dial down the stress. Now your techniques for mindfulness, there there's a few of them. I'm gonna talk to you about breathing. Okay? Just simple deep breathing and focusing on being present in the moment Can actually help you chill out. What's an example of that? You're at the supper table. You're with your wife, your kids, friends, family, whatever. Be with them.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:06:44]:

Be present. Okay? Tune everything out. Just be present in the moment. Enjoy the moment. You're in the gym. Tune everything out. Chain Tune it out. You're in the gym.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:06:52]:

You're with yourself. K? Listen to some music you like. Put on a movie you like. I got this screen in my gym, And, sometimes I watch a movie or something like, you know, like a high adrenaline movie, and it's like just like listening to crazy music. Anyway yeah. Whatever. So So next time you're stressed, take a deep breath and just be present in your moment. Alright? Next for stress management, We're gonna talk about exercise as a coping mechanism.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:07:18]:

Now you know I'm a fitness guy, so I've gotta bring exercise into this. Physical activity is like a Stress busting superhero. A good workout can help you blow off steam and get those endorphins flowing. So when in doubt, sweat it out guys. Sweat it out. And we cannot possibly talk about stress management without talking about social. Right? About social support. So call up a buddy.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:07:44]:

Go out, man. Go for a walk. Go workout. Go to a go to a gym you're not used to going to. Go just get out there. Okay? Sometimes talking it out is the best medicine. Alright? Work, life balance. Stress management, work, life balance.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:07:57]:

I could do, like, a whole Series on this. I gotta write a book on it. Work, life balance. Let's talk about juggling work and personal life. Spin that a little bit more up because you spend that one, that one's slowing down, spin that, and it just goes around. You feel like you're on this big hamster wheel around and around and around and around and around and managing Changing that balance can actually reduce stress, but you gotta do it smart. Okay? So you have to set boundaries, take some time off and remember you're not a robot. One of the most important tools that you can have in your fitness lifestyle toolbox chain is the ability to use a simple word.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:08:48]:

No. You gotta be able to use no sometimes. Alright? No. Can you do this for me? Can you do that for me? I'd like to, but I I cannot. I apologize. Because if I do that, I'm not gonna be able to do this, and, unfortunately, for you, this is much more important in the grand scheme of things. No. You don't wanna say Right? You're not gonna get a lot of buy in.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:09:08]:

You wanna be nice. You wanna be cool about it. Right? But there's there you you gotta learn to say no. No is important. Alright? So we've just tackled how to keep your stress levels in check, but now we're gonna jump literally into something that not only can reduce your stress, But also boost your strength. Alright? So get ready for number 8. Number 8, plyometric training. So do you remember what number 10 was? Number 10, biohacking? Number 9, stress management? We're at number 8, plyometrics.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:09:39]:

So let's jump in. Plyometrics can be a total game changer for us over 40. Okay? Plyometric training. You might be thinking, what's that? Well, sit tight because This is where fitness gets explosive, and I really mean that. 1st off, we're talking about explosive power. You know that oomph you need to leap off the ground or sprint like you're on 2nd base or maybe, like, if you're playing football or whatever. Well, that's what we're talking about. We're talking about the explosiveness that comes from plyometric training.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:10:08]:

K? So here's the deal. Why is it important? Because as we age there's that dirty word again. As we age, strength is usually the first thing to go. Darn it. So keeping it in your routine is like Turning your back on the reaper in a way. You know? You're like, no. No. No.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:10:28]:

You're not coming any close to me. You know? You gotta keep explosive power. Because it's one thing to be strong. It's great to be front strong, and there's a lot of people that are strong as they age. But if you work on explosive power, something that plyometric training can give for you, That's really you have, like, you know, an extra ace in your in your sleeve there. Alright? Next, plyometric training, explosive power, good. Speed. Okay? Speed is also good.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:10:51]:

Now who doesn't wanna be a little bit faster? Okay? Not all the time, but there's plenty of times when Speed can be fun. While you're playing with your kids, you gotta chase them down, whatever. You're running to catch a flight. Speed matters. Plyometrics can absolutely help you there, Making you feel like, making you feel like a superhero minus the cape. Because you start running around with a cape, people are gonna start, You know, like wondering and especially if you're in an airport, chances are you gonna get taken down. You're gonna have a lot of questions for you and miss your flight anyway. But anyway yeah.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:11:22]:

So plyometrics, you got explosive power, you got speed, and agility. It's all about how quickly you can change direction. Right? So agility, you got speed, you got explosive power. You got speed. You're going in a straight line. Now agility. Agility is how quickly that you can change the direction of that speed at explosive speed. Okay? So think about, I don't know, dodging pedestrians on a busy sidewalk or avoiding obstacles when you're out for a run.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:11:45]:

Right? Supply metrics can make you more agile and can also help you to navigate life's little challenges with ease. K. So I said that these things were gonna be these are all things that work. Okay? These are things that work. They're important. So if you're just used to, like, going to some place where they got a few Machines and, like, you know, you're going in doing your little program. 3 sets of 10, 3 sets of 12. You're like, what is this? You know? I'm not an athlete.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:12:11]:

I'm not going to the Olympics. It doesn't matter. Guys and girls. Guys, plyometric training, if you're not doing it, you wanna be doing. You wanna be doing it with somebody who knows what they're doing because some technique behind this, but you wanna add it you wanna include it into your training because it's important. It's gonna keep you young. Alright? And it's also great for muscle activation, which is where it gets a little sciency, but in a cool way. I promise you.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:12:34]:

Plyometrics can activate more of your muscle Fibers, which means you're getting more bang for your buck. And if you're into productivity like I am, that's important. So plyometrics productivity for the win. Okay? So you're getting more bang for your buck in each workout. It's like turbocharging your engine but for your muscles. Okay? And last but not least, why we love plyometric training. And you don't gotta do it every day, but it should be somewhere there in your week. It should be somewhere in your train.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:13:01]:

Maybe you'll do a mesocycle with a lot of plyometric training in it, and that's, you know, your way of doing it or maybe you got a little bit, you know, just dispersed a little bit throughout the week. It's fine. But it's gotta be in there. Okay? Should if it's not, it should be in there somehow. And the last reason why plyometric training is great, and this is something that we're all concerned with, caloric burn. Okay? Last but not least, We're gonna talk about burning calories. Plyometrics is like a furnace for your body. It burns a ton of calories in a short amount of time.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:13:29]:

So if you're looking to shed some pounds or just stay lean, this is your ticket. Okay? Yeah. Plyometrics. Love them. So why should you care about plyometrics? Because it's not just about good looking good as we've, you know, as we've we talked about, it's about being functional, fast, agile. It's about keeping your youthful vigor that makes life more enjoyable. So go ahead, Add some jumps, some sprints, bounce to your routine. Your future self is gonna thank you.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:13:59]:

Alright? So plyometrics number 8. What's number 7? Oh, we like this one. Number 7. No. Actually, I'm I'm just I'm I'm average at cardio. No big shakes, but I I like I I get it done. I do it. Right? Zone 2 cardio.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:14:15]:

K? We're just gonna switch gears to zone 2 cardio and talk about something that's not just for marathoners And triathletes, okay, of which there are several amongst us. And my hats off to you guys. You are change. I'm talking about zone 2 cardio here. Okay? Now before you zone out can you see what I did there? Dumb joke. Alright. Hear me out. This is why it zone 2 is especially crucial for us over 40.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:14:43]:

Okay? First off, what is zone 2 cardio? It's that sweet spot of low intensity exercise where you're not gasping for air, you're still breaking a sweat. Okay? I can get more technical, but at the end of the day, you don't wanna start doing calculations and, you know, your heartbeat and everything. A low intensity exercise, okay, where you're not gasping for air but still breaking a sweat. It's like The Goldilocks of cardio. Okay? Just right. And for us guys, for us, Gen Xers, k, over in the over 40 crowd, It's a way to improve our aerobic capacity without beating ourselves into the ground. This is great for fat burning. Okay? Now who amongst us does not wanna burn some change fat.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:15:26]:

Well, I I'm there. I wanna burn some extra fat. Me too, please. Okay? Zone 2 cardio is like a fat burning machine. You're working at just the right intensity to tap into those fat stores. So if you're looking to trim down while still enjoying your workouts, zone 2 is where it's at. Okay? Heart health. Now on a serious note, as we age, heart health becomes more and more Important and zone 2 cardio is like a tune up for your ticker.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:15:54]:

It helps improve your heart's efficiency, makes it stronger and more resilient, And let's face it. A healthy heart is a happy heart. Oh, you should stop trying to do those drugs. Okay. Whatever. Wouldn't it be nice to hike a trail or play a full game of soccer without feeling like you're gonna keel over, grasping your heart, You know, like, turning, like, you know, like, blue and red and green is, like, you know, onlookers gasp in horror. Well, zone 2 cardio can actually help improve Your endure your endurance making those longer activities more enjoyable and less eventful and, you know, less of a struggle for you and everyone around you. That's to carry your big hulking body off to the sidelines and maybe work on reanimating you.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:16:49]:

So yeah. And, Of course, zone 2 cardio, actually good for mental health. And as you listen to me, you might say to yourself, oh, Neil, you need more zone 2 cardio, and you might be right. But last but not least, the noggin. Low intensity cardio like zone 2 can actually improve your mental Well-being. It's like a natural mood booster. Maybe not when you first get into it, but when you finished, it definitely is. It's like, Thank goodness.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:17:14]:

It's over. But yeah. Okay. I digress. So it's actually like a natural mood booster. Right? So if you're feeling down or stressed, a little zone 2 action might be just what the doctor ordered. So recapping why should zone 2 Cardio will be on your radar, especially as, you know, Gen Xers over 40 guys because it's a sustainable, effective way to improve not just your physique, but also your overall well-being. It's like a Swiss army knife for your health.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:17:43]:

So go ahead, give zone 2 a try. Your body and mind will Absolutely. Thank you. Okay? And, you know, maybe if if I get any comments or requests, I'll go a little bit more into zone 2, like, in another date, but I got a whole bunch more stuff on that, but let's just say, just do it. Okay? And you know what? Go back and listen to that section That describes it if you need to, but zone 2 is absolutely where it's at. Alright? And we can't possibly end this episode without something near and dear to my heart. Number 6 number 6 on those things that actually work, okay, is resistance training. Alright.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:18:23]:

Let's get down into the nitty gritty. The bread and butter of any solid fitness routine, resistance training. K? A little different from strength training, resistance training, although strength training is incorporated. Now if you're a gen xer like me, Over 40, well over 4, over 50, well over. You might be thinking I'm too old for this stuff, but let me tell you, that's where You would be wrong, my friends. Resistance training is not just for the young guns. It's for all of us, especially as we age, and here's why. Okay? Muscle hypertrophy.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:19:00]:

First off, let's talk muscle growth. You see, as we age, we naturally lose muscle mass. It's sad, but a true fact. But resistance training, it's like the fountain of youth for your muscles. It helps you build and maintain that precious muscle mass so So you can keep doing the things you love. Right? Resistance training, also great for strength gains. Now who does not want to be Stronger. Okay? I don't care what it is you're doing.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:19:26]:

You're carrying around a bag. You're fooling around with your kids. You're going you know, you're trying to Get some work done. Okay? Some little physical work or something around the backyard, the house, whatever. Strength matters. It does. And lifting weights is like a shortcut to becoming your own superhero minus the spandex. Okay.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:19:47]:

So cape spandex. It's out this season. Okay. Bone health. Yeah? Bone health. Resistance training and bone health. What does that got to do with it? Okay? What does bone health You know, you're not you're not working your bones. You're working your muscles.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:20:03]:

Wrong. Okay. Here's the thing. Your muscles are attached to tendons. Your tendons are attached to bones. Working out your muscles, making your muscles stronger, makes your tendons stronger. That by default, they're attached to your bones, makes your bones stronger. That helps maintain bone mass.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:20:18]:

And you know what? We need bone mass. You know why we need bone mass? And this is scary. The average 60 year old, 65 year old, you know, even 55 year old and perhaps even earlier these days, it's pretty sad. If you're if you're Perfectly autonomous. You fall down and break your hip, chances are or, you know, even perhaps even less. Chances are you're gonna be walking around with a cane. If you already have a cane, you're gonna be walking a walker. If you're walking around with a walker, you're gonna be probably in a chair.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:20:44]:

And if you're in a chair, you might be bedridden, and that is next to death. Alright? So strength, bone health, all of these things keep you farther away from death. Alright? There's no other way to put it. There really isn't. Maybe you're listening to this right now, and you're like, oh, I'm 35. I'm 45. Okay. Great.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:21:01]:

Chronologically, you're only that age, but how old is your body? In what shape. Shape is your body. Do you not know that at this particular moment in time, there's guys that are 65, 75 years old, maybe even 85 that are biologically, health marker wise, younger than you if you have not taken care of your body, if you've not been concerned with Strength gains, bone health, resistance training, all this great stuff. Guess what? If you think that that's not true, you might be in for a horrible surprise, And I wanna save you from that horrible surprise, so listen to what I'm telling you and do it. Alright? Another reason resistance training is great, metabolic rate. And here's where it gets, You know, pretty interesting. Lifting weights actually revs up your metabolism. That means you're burning more calories even when you're just sitting around.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:21:50]:

Okay? I spend a lot of time, you know, exercising, training people, running around, stuff like that, but I also spend a lot of time sitting. So having a high metabolic rate is important to me. It's like turning the body into a caloric burning machine, and and who doesn't want that? Right? Because, I mean, look. I like to eat. You like to eat? Do you like to eat? Do you like to eat what you wanna eat when you wanna eat it? Yeah. I bet you do. I know I do. K? Yeah.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:22:12]:

We gotta be careful in everything, but every now and again, least we're gonna talk about functional movement. K? So resistance training, let's talk everyday life. You know? You're climbing downstairs, you're lifting bags, bending over to tie your change basic stuff, getting out of bed. Well, resistance training is gonna help you improve your functional movement, making all those daily tasks a breeze. Now This could be hard to hear, but do you understand that there are people that have a difficult time getting out of their chair? Do you understand that? Do you understand there are people that have a hard time getting out of their chair? They have no weight on their back. They have a hard time doing one rep of their own body weight of just getting out of a chair. K? There's no excuse for that. If you're even anywhere near that, you know, situation, I feel for you.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:23:07]:

I'm not judging you, but I'm telling you, you have to take control, and you gotta do something about that. Okay? It's serious. Alright. Resistance training for the win. So let's recap again the first five things that actually work for Gen X. Okay? Number 10, Biohacking specifically for the purpose of optimizing your circadian sleep rhythm. Stress management, very important. Super, super important for Gen X for us guys over 40.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:23:34]:

Stress management, you gotta do it. Social support, exercise, mindfulness, work life balance, and, of course, After that, we talked about zone 2 cardio. K? That's that sweet spot. Okay? It's that sweet spot where it's a low intensity and you're not gasping for air, but you're Still breaking a sweat. Okay? It's like the Goldilocks of cardio. It's it's awesome. Okay? So zone 2 cardio. After that, continuing up the ladder, number 6, resistance training.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:24:08]:

Muscle hypertrophy, strength gains, metabolic rate, functional movement. We've just unpacked the first 5 essentials that actually work for Gen Xers, okay, for guys and girls like you and I. But don't go too far because we have another episode coming up That will complete this toolkit for you. Now to get ready for that next episode, I have a challenge for you. I want you to pick up One thing that we discussed today, and I want you to implement it. Okay? Will it be something around biohacking your sleep? Will be something to control your stress. Will you introduce plyometric training? Will you add some zone 2? Everyone, before we go, I got Some exciting news that I think you're gonna love. So you know how we're always talking about the journey of fitness.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:24:50]:

Right? The ups, the downs, everything in between. And, Well, I've been working on something special in the background to help you navigate that journey more effectively, and I'm thrilled to announce that the prelaunch of our very own coaching community is about to happen. Okay? So picture this, a dedicated space where you can Find not just direction, but also support the support you need to meet your fitness lifestyle goals. We're talking about personalized coaching, Expert advice in a community of like minded individuals who are all on the same journey that you are. Now you might be wondering, What makes this community different? Well, let me tell you. This isn't just about workout plans or diet plans. This is actually a holistic approach to fitness. We're gonna dive deep into nutritional awareness, resistance training, and even the mental aspects of fitness.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:25:42]:

And the best part, you won't be doing it alone. You'll have a community to share your highs, your lows, and every little victory along the way. So if you're tired of going it alone and you're looking for a road map to a better You, this is your chance. Join us, and let's make fitness a lifestyle. I'll leave an update link in the show notes along with the other references so you won't miss this chance. I Want you to stay tuned for more details in the upcoming weeks, and trust me, you won't wanna miss out on this. And remember, guys, Small actions repeated lead to big results when you just start. Talk soon. 

Voice Guy [00:26:15]:

You've been listening to just start. Early in life, Neil D went from a skinny to a muscular physique. When trends and lifestyle choices led him down a path of fat gain and lost motivation, his nation to end the madness became a transformative system and a passion for helping Gen X live the fitness lifestyle for fat loss, mobility, and muscular development. We hope you liked the show. If you did, like, rate, and review. For more info and to reach out to coach Neil Deid personally. Find us on Facebook and Instagram.

voice guy [00:26:52]:

See you next time on Just Start.

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