Just Start

The Transformation Blueprint: Mastering Mind, Body, and Soul After 40, Part 2

Neil Damackine

Welcome back to another electrifying episode of Just Start, the go-to podcast for Gen-Xers who are ready to break the mold and redefine what life after 40 looks like. If you were with us for Episode 10, you know we started a game-changing conversation about the top 10 life-altering strategies for those of us in the over-40 club. Well, buckle up, because today we're diving headfirst into the second half of that list, and let me tell you, it's a doozy!

In this episode, we're going beyond the gym and the kitchen to explore holistic strategies that will revolutionize not just your body, but your mind and soul as well. We're talking about the underrated power of sleep, why mobility exercises are your secret weapon, and how to mentally gear up for a lifelong fitness journey.

Ever feel like you're juggling too many balls—work, family, personal time—and dropping them all? We've got some eye-opening insights that could turn your daily grind into a daily groove. And if you're sitting there thinking you're "too old" for a fitness transformation, prepare for a reality check that will shatter that limiting belief into a million pieces.

So, if you're ready to elevate your life, to move from merely existing to exuberantly living, you're in the right place. Because here at Just Start, we're not just talkers; we're doers. Remember, small actions, consistently taken, can lead to monumental changes. Are you ready to just start? Because I am, and I can't wait to embark on this transformative journey with you.

Let's roll up our sleeves and get this transformation underway!

More about macros

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*Unedited transcript - may contain errors. 

 Voice Guy [00:00:00]:

And fitness lifestyle for fat loss, mobility, and muscular development. You're about to get real and raw info on how to change your life. Welcome to Just Start. Now your host, Neil D.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:00:16]:

Hey, guys. Welcome back to Episode number 11. For those of you who were here in episode number 10, you know that hitting double digits was really super special. So I wanted to do something super special, And I chose as a topic, 10 things that actually work for generation x for us guys over 40. And after choosing 10 things, I decided there was so much information. I had to break it down into 2 parts. So after this episode, you might wanna go back and listen to episode number 10 to get numbers 10, 9, 8, 7, and 6 of the 10 most important things that you can be doing for Gen x that actually work. So let's get on with this show.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:00:52]:

We're gonna start off with a little gem from Seneca. Okay? Today's stoic is Seneca. And he says he goes, we suffer more often in imagination than in reality. And now isn't that the truth. Right? And today, we're gonna cut through some of the imagined barriers to give you the real tools that you need Starting off with number 5. It's mobility. Alright. As we pivot to something that's Often overlooked.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:01:21]:

It's actually a big game changer, okay, especially for us over 40 guys, mobility. Now I'm not talking about your ability to move from the couch the fridge during commercial breaks. I I'm pretty sure you got that down pat. I'm talking about the kind of mobility that lets you move around freely without pain, okay, With a good range of motion, this is a topic you don't wanna skip. It's super important. It's crucial. Functional movement, the kind that lets you pick up your kids, reach that top shelf, bust a move when you got to. Mobility exercises are there to help you do all that and more.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:01:52]:

So feeling like the Tin Man and the Wizard of Oz, You don't have to. Okay? You we can add some ability there, and we can get you into a much better place. Included in mobility, okay, it's not just little funny things that make you look like a pretzel. Okay? 1st off, we're gonna talk a little bit about dynamic stretching. Okay? It's being able to move in a thorough range of motion to improve your performance. Think of leg swings, arm circles, Things that are done with a certain amount of, fluidity, but there's you know, they're not slow. They're not static, which brings us to static stretching. Some people have maligned it as, you know, For different reasons here and there, but static stretching actually done right is really an important tool in your little toolbox.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:02:31]:

Okay? It's done post-workout, especially static stretching can actually be very beneficial. It's like gifting your muscles a nice long sigh of relief after a hard day's work, you're literally sending a signal to your muscles telling them they can relax, which is why 99% of the time, We're gonna reserve this type of stretching for after the workout is over. There are times when we will use it in the beginning of the workout, But this is to be done with skill. I'm not going to get into it right now, but there is a time for a bit at the beginning of the workout. But for 99% of the time, it's after the workout. Alright? Use it at the beginning of the workout if there's a specific muscle group or muscle that you want to relax because it's preventing you from moving within the range of motion of prime activity that you're gonna be doing, but we won't get into that. But let's just say 99% of the time, static stretching after the workout, 99% of the time or 100% of the time, dynamic stretching before the workout, is always good. Now let's talk a little bit about foam rolling.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:03:32]:

Foam rolling is a component Used within mobility. K. If you've ever tried it, it's sort of like having a mess getting a massage. You can find tight spots. You can really work on them well. It's great for muscle recovery. While foam rolling is really a fantastic tool, I like to say that we need to use it with skill. We don't wanna use it to cover up or to mask Any little things that we just don't want to address, so foam rolling definitely has its place.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:03:56]:

So roll it out and let those muscles breathe. And the last reason why mobility is gonna be so important for you is aging. Yeah. Like, you're getting older. Okay? And mobility, you start to tighten up, and you wanna maintain that that mobility so that you can use your strength, you can use your explosive power, you can use your agility, All things we talked about in episode number 10, you want to remain as mobile as you possibly can because in doing so that you can literally Remain at, like, in your prime, into your sixties, into your seventies, and some people can even do it a little bit be beyond that. You might be missing a little bit of the power. You might come down 10, 20% on your top peak power, but you can maintain all your mobility and a heck of a lot more strength The average, you know, dozen guys next to you who are not doing it. Alright? So mobility for the win.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:04:48]:

Okay? It's a must-have your fitness toolbox, especially if you're Gen X or you're over 40. It's just it's it's not just about flexibility. It's about living life without limitations. Okay? It's about being able to do what you want, when you want, without your body holding your back. So stretch it out, roll it out, And move it out. Your body is gonna thank you. Next up, on the things that work. Okay.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:05:11]:

So we touched on mobility. Number 4 is so simple but so elusive. Sleep. Alright. Let's switch gears and talk about something that we all love, but probably don't get enough of. Talking about sleep. Okay? Now if you're a Gen Xer like me, you might think you can power through life on 5 hours of sleep, sometimes 6, sometimes 4, whatever, and a whole lot of willpower. But let me tell you let me tell you something.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:05:38]:

Okay? That's a one-way ticket to burnout, Ville. And here's why your sleep should be nonnegotiable, a nonnegotiable in your life. Okay? First off, Lack of sleep isn't just about feeling groggy. It can lead to weight gain and even mess with your mental health and your hormones In a big way. It's like trying to drive a car with a flat tire. You're not gonna get very far. Okay? And sleep duration, How much sleep do you actually need? The magic number for the vast majority of people is between 7 9 hours. Change Anything else and you're short-changing yourself.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:06:17]:

Anything more, you might be hitting the snooze button on life. 7 to 9 hours. Okay? If you're getting 7 hrs consistently, you feel great and wonderful. If you need a little bit more, get it. But if you're beneath 7, I don't care how you feel or, you know, how your adrenaline is, As much caffeination as you like, it's not enough. You need more. K? And quality sleep. Okay? Sleep quality.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:06:37]:

What about sleep quality? Hold on. Not just about quantity. It's also about the quality. You know, that deep, restorative sleep where you wake up feeling like $1,000,000. That's the gold standard, and it's what you should be aiming for. And there's a whole bunch of little things behind that. Okay? We spoke we touched on a couple With your circadian rhythm, we touched on a few in episode number 10. You might wanna go there and check that out.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:07:02]:

But sleep quality is huge. K? And sleep and recovery. If you're into fitness, which you should be, if you're listening, I'm taking it that you either are or you wanna be. Let's face it. If you're listening to this podcast, you probably are, then you know recovery is crucial. Proper sleep is like giving your muscles a spa day. It aids in muscle recovery. It makes you ready to tackle another gain another day of gains.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:07:27]:

K? It aids in muscle recovery, making you ready to tackle another day of gains. Now sleep environment, chain. Last but not least, let's talk about setting the mood. No. Not that type of mood. I'm talking about your sleep environment. A cool, dark room with minimal noise can make a world of difference in your sleep quality. It's like turning your bedroom into a sleep sanctuary.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:07:53]:

We spoke about this in another podcast. I'll add a link to the show notes. Last but not least, your sleep environment. Let's talk about setting the mood for sleep. Alright? I'm talking about a cool, dark place with minimal noise that can actually make a world of difference in your sleep quality. It's like turning your bedroom into a sleep sanctuary. I spoke a little bit about this little bit more in-depth than the previous episode. I'll put a link in the show notes.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:08:20]:

So, yeah, sleep is such a big deal, especially for us over 40 Gen Xers because it's the foundation of good health. It affects everything from your weight to your mood, your physical performance, your mental health, everything. So go ahead. Prioritize that shut-eye. Your body and your mind Well, absolutely thank you. So we've covered mobility. We've covered sleep, and the importance of sleep quality, but what about the time you spend awake? Let's explore how you burn calories without even trying. Number 3, neat non-exercise activity thermogenesis.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:08:55]:

We're gonna dive into a topic that sounds like something that came straight out of a science fiction novel, but it's not. Okay? Don't let the don't let the name the name scare you off. Okay? It's something that's super relevant, and it's actually easier than you think to incorporate into a fitness lifestyle. So first thing you wanna understand about NEAT is in layman's terms, it's all the energy that you burn doing stuff that is not sleeping, eating, or formal exercise, which is pretty much everything else in life. Right? So think about walking to the store, doing household chores, fidgeting. This is all neat. Okay? And this is all your body burning calories. So what's a simple way to increase it? Right? If you gotta go to the school, you gotta go to the mailbox.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:09:38]:

You gotta go anywhere. Walk. If you are taking public transit and you're commuting you have a choice between the stairs and the escalator. Walk up the stairs. If you have a choice between an elevator and stairs, walk up the stairs. You know? Like, You know, brush off the elevator, brush off the escalator, start walking, moving. You're gonna increase your need. Park your car a little bit farther away from where it is you gotta go.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:10:03]:

Walk that extra block or 2 or 3 or whatever. Maybe you're gonna save some money on parking. Maybe parking is gonna be easier, and you're gonna get your need in. Alright. When it comes to need, There's 1 big elephant in the room. The big elephant button in the room is sitting. So here we go. We all do it, Probably more than we should, but here's the kicker.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:10:20]:

Reducing your sitting time can actually increase your need. So let's all stand up, move around, and break the cycle of the sitting epidemic. How can you do this? Well, the way one of the ways that I do this is with a standing desk. I have 2. My 1st standing desk really loved it. It was fantastic, wonderful. My wife loved it also. She took it.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:10:40]:

And now I had to go out, and I got another standing desk. And so while we have 2 standing desks, I love them. And we said that increasing your need by walking around is good, and we're now we're talking about Standing as opposed to sitting. Well, you can combine the 2 with an under-desk treadmill. Guys, I really like this. Okay? It's super cool. I got this under the desk treadmill. It just it just works.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:11:06]:

It doesn't make a lot of noise. It just goes there, and I go around, like, 3 kilometers an hour or whatever. It says it's 3, and I put that on. I can walk for hours and hours as I'm doing my work and everything. The first, like, 10 minutes or something, it is a little bit sort of hokey. It was weird and everything. But after that, I don't even think about it anymore. I just get on and I just go and go and go and go.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:11:24]:

Really helps, especially guys. Does anybody out there with ADD that's, you know, like, saying to themselves, yeah. Well, I can't stay at my desk for too long because I lost track of, like, whatever. Well, You know, standing up and actually moving was like a big changer because I'm like, you know, I'm like massive ADD. Forget it, man. I'm like, you know, like, I I really it takes Every ounce of energy that I have and, you know, like, self-restraint that I have to stay focused and everything. And I'm, you know, able to do it now because I've, like, trained myself to do it, but I'm telling you, this under-desk treadmill really, really helps. Now another reason NEAT is super important to many people, including myself, yours truly, is that NEAT is a game changer when it comes to weight loss, okay, or fat loss.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:12:08]:

So if you're looking to shed some fat, meat is a big game changer. It's like a secret weapon in your weight loss arsenal. You might not think That taking the stairs or walking a dog makes a difference, but those little things, they really add up in your caloric burn. Okay? Incorporating need into your daily routine is as Easy as pie minus the calories. So simple things like taking the stairs, parking farther away, standing up while you work. These things make a huge difference. Right? So why should you care about need, especially as, you know, like, over 40? Because it's simple. It's sustainable, And it actually improves your health without turning your life upside down.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:12:45]:

It's like finding, you know, like, some change or something in your couch. It might not seem much, but if you keep on putting it away in the, you know, in a jar, it adds up over time. So go ahead. Get moving in those little ways. Your body's absolutely gonna thank you. Alright. Let's shift gears and talk about something that's as essential as air, as water, and good Wi-Fi. nutritional awareness.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:13:06]:

Now if you're a Gen Xer over 40 guy, you know, 50, whatever, you've seen food trends. They've come. They go. They come back. They go again. You know, They're repackaged and whatever. But at the end of the day, k, nutritional awareness isn't a trend. It's a lifestyle.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:13:22]:

It's one that can make a world of difference And how you look, you feel, you perform. So let's let's just scratch the surface here together right now. Okay? Why nutritional awareness is important and what elements are important? 1st off, 1st on your menu, today, right now, we're gonna talk macros. K? Proteins, fats, carbs, they all have a job to do. None is inherently bad. They're all inherently good used correctly. K? They're all good. They're all they all have their their place.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:13:51]:

Okay? Knowing the balance between these 3 is like knowing the secret recipe to a healthier you. It's not just about counting calories. It's about making those calories count. And to do that, you gotta understand macros. K? We've spoken about them before. I won't go into in-depth here, but I wanna just present them as, You know, part of nutritional awareness, and they're super important. Sugar intake is also super important. The sweet stuff.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:14:17]:

Yeah. It's everywhere. And while it might taste like heaven, it can lead to some hellish outcomes like obesity and diabetes. So go ahead, Enjoy that piece of cake occasionally, but maybe skip the 2nd slice. Okay? And, speaking of skipping the 2nd slice, meal timing, Eating at regular intervals can help to regulate your blood sugar. It can keep you energized throughout the day. It's like refueling your car before it hits empty, And nobody wants to be stranded. Right? I don't think you do.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:14:45]:

I don't. Last up. 2nd to last, nutritional awareness, hydration, water, is the elixir of life. Proper hydration can improve your physical performance and even your cognitive function. So next time you're feeling a bit sluggish, maybe reach for a bottle of water. One of the best things I heard about water was how the majority of people take headache medication. It's actually the glass of water, which provides the relief because they're rehydrating themselves. Rehydration is super important.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:15:11]:

And the last thing we're gonna talk about within nutritional awareness is supplementation. Supplements actually have a very valuable role in a in a good healthy diet. I'll never suggest that supplements take over the place of chain Whole food, but supplements absolutely do have a place in supporting a healthy diet. And we can talk about that more in another date, but the right supplements and there are a few out there. The right supplements can be extremely important in really helping you to function and perform at your best. We're gonna close out this list with a topic that's as fundamental as it gets. Calories in, calories out, and caloric restriction chain for fat loss. Now if you're a Gen Xer, if you're over 40, k, you've probably heard this phrase thrown around like a Frisbee at a beach party.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:16:04]:

But what does it really mean, and why should you care when everybody is out there sometimes even making platforms of, calorie counting calorie counting. It's no fun. I don't have to do it. You don't have to do it. And it's true. And it's true. You don't have to do it. But if you're really looking to understand, Get that leg up and understand really understand how your body works and how you can maximize and understand how your system is working.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:16:30]:

Understanding your calories in And your calories out is a total game changer. So let's dive in. Let's talk about your basal metabolic rate, your BMR for short. This is the number of calories that your body needs just to exist. If you were to lie in bed all day doing nothing, Knowing your BMR is crucial because it sets the stage for everything else. Like, knowing how much gas your car needs just to idle, you wouldn't wanna run out. I know you wouldn't. BMR, Important.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:16:59]:

Okay? Next, let's talk about deficit planning. Now if you're looking to lose fat, You've got to create a caloric deficit, and that means burning more calories than you consume. It's like budgeting, but instead of saving money, You're saving yourself extra pounds from fat. Alright? Next thing, calories in, calories out, Chloric restriction. Next thing that you is important to understand there is tracking those calories. This is where things get real. Okay? Tracking your calories is like keeping a financial ledger but for your body. It helps you know exactly what's coming in And what's going out, so there's no surprises at the end of the day or at the end of the month when you step on the scale.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:17:43]:

Now here's another thing about calories in, calories out are not the same as 500 calories of donuts. It's like comparing an exotic vehicle a old scrap bucket. Now here's one that you're gonna like, refeed days. Okay? Let's talk about refeed days. These are days Where you intentionally eat a few more calories to give your metabolism a little boost. And think of it as a mini vacation for your body. Okay? It helps you relax, and come back stronger. So to be certain, there's a lot of additional things we can talk about.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:18:23]:

We can talk about intermittent fasting. We can talk about refeed. We can talk about reverse dieting, but at the end of the day, in the time space that we've allotted for that, what it is that we want to do is we just simply want to sensitize you to a few terms and a few little overview of calories in, calories out, caloric check restriction for weight loss. Why? Because all of these diets of the day, all the keto and the carnivore and this and that, They can be great for some people, not so good for others, but at the end of the day, one thing that they all have in common is they all have a certain control over calories. K. They're all reducing calories, and they're all helping you to eat in a different way which controls your calories. Okay? So That's why I chose to speak about this, and that's why it is number 1 on my list of the top 10 things that are important For us Gen Xers to understand and know to take control of our fitness and our lifestyles. So there you have it, guys.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:19:21]:

The 10 essentials for mastering your Gen X fitness lifestyle. I hope you found these 2 episodes enlightening and more important actionable. So for this week's challenge, challenge you to reflect on Seneca's wisdom. Identify 1 area where you've been holding yourself back to imagine fears And take 1 step forward to overcome that. It could be as simple as a new type of exercise or as significant as making a career move, You know, to support your mental health. And there you have it, guys. The complete guide to the 10 essentials for mastering your Gen X fitness lifestyle. I hope you found these 2 episodes enlightening, and more important, I hope you found them actionable.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:20:04]:

So we had a challenge last week, and I challenge you this week to reflect on Seneca's wisdom to identify 1 area where you've been holding yourself back Due to imagined fears, I want you to take 1 step to overcome that. Could be as simple as a new type of exercise Or perhaps as significant as making a move somewhere else in your life, even career. So guys, as we close off, I wanna share the Exciting news with you? You know how we always talk about your journey in fitness and the ups and the downs and everything in between? Well, I'm thrilled to announce The prelaunch of our very own coaching community, picture this, a dedicated space where you can find not just direction, but also the support you need to meet your fitness lifestyle goals. We're talking about personalized coaching, expert advice, and a community of like minded individuals We're on the same journey as you are. Now you might be wondering what will make this community different. Well, it's not just about workout plans or diet charts. This is a holistic approach. It's a well rounded fitness lifestyle approach, and we're gonna dive deep into the nutritional awareness, change resistance training and even the mental aspects of fitness.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:21:13]:

And the best part, you won't be doing it alone. You'll have a community to share your highs, your lows, and every little victory along the way. So if you're tired of going alone and you're looking for a road map to a better you, this will be your chance. So join us, And let's make fitness a lifestyle, not a duty. I'm gonna leave an update link in the show notes so you won't miss this chance. I encourage you to stay tuned for more details in the Upcoming weeks. Trust me. You won't wanna miss out on this.

Host (Coach Neil D) [00:21:39]:

And remember, small actions repeated lead to big results when you just Start. Thanks for tuning in. See you next time.

voice guy [00:21:47]:

You've been listening to Just Start. Early in life, Neil D went from a skinny to a muscular physique. When trends and lifestyle choices led him down a path of fat gain and lost motivation, his determination into end the madness became a transformative system and a passion for helping Gen X live the fitness lifestyle for fat loss, mobility, and muscular development. We hope you liked the show. If you did, like, rate, and review. For more info and to reach out to coach Neil Deid personally. Find us on Facebook and Instagram. See you next time on Just Start.

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