Just Start

Lift the Veil To Transform Your Gen-X Physique Now!: Unlock Bodybuilder Secrets and Stop Fearing Weights

Neil Damackine

Unlock the Secrets of Bodybuilding Without the Bulk: A Must-Listen for Every Gen-Xer! Ever glanced at a barbell and panicked you'd morph into a muscle monster? Today, we're smashing that myth to smithereens! Discover the game-changing habits you can steal from bodybuilders—without becoming the next Hulk. We're pulling back the curtain on the grueling effort and sky-high costs of extreme physiques, and revealing why you, the everyday Gen-Xer, have zero reasons to fear bulking up. Whether you're a lifting rookie or just resistance-training reluctant, this episode is your golden ticket to a transformed physique and peace of mind. Tune in now and forever change the way you see bodybuilding!

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*Unedited transcript* 

Host [00:00:22]:
Hey. Welcome to the podcast. My name is Neil Damakin, Neil d for short, and I'm a fitness lifestyle coach specializing the 35 to 55 plus Fitness demographic known as Gen X. I use 2 decades of experience in the fitness space, including working with amateur athletes to help mostly general population clients lose fat, Increase mobility and gain muscle with sensible nutritional awareness and workouts that support your lifestyle and are fun too. Today's episode begins We're dispelling some of the fears people can have about bodybuilding bulk. And today, we're gonna look at what healthy habits you can actually learn and take From bodybuilders even if you don't plan on becoming the next Hulk. So here's a little question. Have you ever glanced at a barbell and had this sudden thought, Woah.

Host [00:01:06]:

If I lift that, I'm gonna morph into a muscle bound freak overnight? If you're nodding, this fear has a choke hold on so many people who have never ever even stepped foot into a gym, but today, we're gonna cut through the nonsense. Becoming the Hulk is about as likely as teleporting to Mars. So today, we're not just busting this ridiculous myth. We're also gonna spot Like, what resistance training can genuinely do for you, and, hey, if you're new to lifting or on the fence with the whole thing, this one's especially for you. So So let me start off by giving some credit where it's due. The motivation behind this episode of Just Start happened when I was reading an article by Ian Douglass. I I don't know the man. He he put an article on BarBend 

Host [00:01:50]: 

I checked it out. And he was talking about the types of financial investment it takes For pro level bodybuilders to look the way they do. Right? So I thought it would be ideal if we Peel back the curtain on what it is that it takes for these guys to look the way they do even if it's just in many cases for only a few days a year. There's a tremendous amount of work there. Now this knowledge, I take it for granted Because I've known and spoken at length with many of the top IFBB pros, in the 2000, Including Nassar, Gunter, and a few other names that you would, you know, recognize almost immediately if you would, you know, open up a magazine back during those times and looked at bodybuilding. And let me tell you, it's no stroll in the park. It's a full on expedition to get that, Jack. The effort, The costs, the sacrifices, it's all monumental.

Host [00:02:44]:

And it got me thinking, what if regular folks, especially those who shy away From resistance training out of fear of becoming too bulky could get a glimpse at the herculean effort required to achieve that extreme physique. And it made me question, would anybody afterwards still think that picking up a dumbbell would make them look like a bodybuilder Overnight. So, yeah, that's the motivation behind today's journey. So as we pull back these curtains and demystify what it Really looks what it really takes to look like a pro bodybuilder and why you, my friend, have absolutely nothing to worry about if that's, of course, your fear. Now 1st, let's talk about the elite level bodybuilders, both men and women that we see all over social media. These days look. The reality of it is is that Fitness influencers today are a whole different level than what they ever used to be. Why? Because a lot of people are more willing to put themselves through the Extreme exertions, the extreme deprivations, the extreme steps necessary to have that look.

Host [00:03:53] 

So let's look at what this takes. Alright? First of all, elite bodybuilders trade an average of 20 to 25 hours a week. That's and that's according to a study in the Journal of Sport Sciences. And that's literally a part time job, folks. Okay? And these bodybuilders, men and even some women, can consume up to 5,000 calories a day of Generally clean food. And there's a big difference between 5,000 calories of pizza and 5,000 calories of, let's say, chicken Rice. Okay? That's a lot even if you add hot sauce, which I sort of like. So yeah.

Host [00:04:29]:

And, of course, After that, there are exotic compounds that go way beyond way beyond your protein shakes. Okay? And they're often A major part of the equation. Now if that if you don't know what it is, I mean by exotic compounds, the monkey juice, the, the hot sauce for, that's not your food. Okay? And all of this comes with a host of lateral effects including health risks. So it's really not a casual commitment that these guys and girls are up to. Okay? And also recovery. At that level, recovery isn't just a day off. It's a science evolving everything Anything from sleep protocols up to cryotherapy.

Host [00:05:08]:

I mean, there's no just, you know, know all Netflix and chill there. I mean, this is this is a science just in a recuperation. And the mental game is so intense with elite bodybuilders. They practice visualization and other mental technique. You know, it's not just all grunting and groaning in the gym. There is a lot behind it. Okay? Now without wanting to bust any fantasy bubbles of how weights turn men and women into little hulks at the mere touch, Let's go into why the majority of people, primarily you and I, probably will not accidentally bulk up. Alright? So according to the American Council on Exercise, the average person can gain 1 to 2 pounds of muscle per month.

Host [00:05:51]:

So Sorry guys, no overnight hulkification for you even if you're looking for it. Okay? Not this road anyway. Okay? And here's a controversial one, but it look, it's true. It's it's the reality. Okay? Genetics play a significant role in how much muscle you can gain, and most of us are simply not predisposed to Hulk like proportions. Sorry, folks. Yeah. Hormones.

Host [00:06:15]:

Hormones matter. Hormones matter. Okay? Testosterone levels in men are typically much higher than in women. K? And that's a reality. Making significant weight gain predominantly gender specific. And on top of all of that, you have a law of diminishing returns that kicks in. So once you've gained a few pounds of quality muscle, literally every additional pound becomes harder to gain. Your body is simply not a limitless Muscle Factory.

Host [00:06:44]:

Now I wanna be clear, the average nonenhanced adult male can expect to add between 20 30 pounds of lean quality muscle Over a 3 to 5 year period of resistance training. But even at that, after your 1st initial newbie gains are over, usually in the 1st year, You're going to war for each new pound. And finally, most people don't have the time, the resources, Or inclination to dedicate their lives to bodybuilding. So no worries about accidentally becoming an Olympia competitor or even a local bodybuilding contestant without a lot of dedication. Alright? But since we have a comparison thing going on, Let's do a cost to benefit ratio of the pro bodybuilder versus you and I, the Gen X fitness lifestyle trainee. According to the data sourced in the article, a pro bodybuilder's annual expenses can range between 37,000 And $135,000 a year. Now I can tell you for a fact That there are bodybuilders that are actually spending more than that on their bodybuilding careers, k, Per year. Now that's what they do for a living.

Host [00:08:06]:

This is how they make their money. Alright? So Don't be too freaked out about it, but it's just to go just to show you what it is that these top level guys and girls Gotta go through and the cost behind it. Okay? This is it's not by accident that they look this way. Now this tidy sum Includes everything from specialized diets, supplements, supplements we're not gonna talk about, to coaching and competition fees. And while the prestige and potential can be very lucrative. The physical and mental toll, not to mention the health risks associated with extreme dieting And a lot of exotic compounds, AKA not protein shakes, can be very significant. Now as far as risk to reward, It's extremely high cost both financially and physically for a high but largely elusive and very uncertain reward. K? Now on the other hand, the cost of living a fitness lifestyle, which includes resistance training requiring A gym membership perhaps or maybe some home gym equipment, a few basic supplements, and a personal trainer to show you the ropes Might set you back between a few hundred and, you know, a grand, maybe a bit more.

Host [00:09:23]:

Let's say, 5 to $15,000 a year. That's what most people will spend on fast food, adult party supplies, and other unhealthy crap That's sending them to an early grave. Alright? Now let's look at the benefits you get in return for living the fitness lifestyle. And in no particular order, Improved mental health. Yes. Better physical condition. Undeniable. Fat loss? Check.

Host [00:09:50]:

Muscle gain. Yep. That's there. Enhanced functional fitness for daily life activities. Check check. Plus the potential for a lower health care cost in the long run. So if we look at your risk to reward, ridiculously lower financial cost, Lower health risks and a high reward in terms of overall well-being and quality of life. Now What can Gen Xers take from these elite bodybuilders? So before anyone thinks that we're bashing bodybuilding, Here's some things that we Gen Xers need to learn from these extreme athletes if we choose to if we choose to. 

Host [00:10:28]:

 If not, then it's lost. But if we choose to, And I'm not saying you should start spending half your life in the gym or meticulously weighing every morsel of food, but there are some golden nuggets of wisdom that we can mine from the dedication and discipline that these guys and girls have. Alright? So here are 5 lessons that we can take from bodybuilding. 1st, consistency. Right? Consistency is the cornerstone of any successful fitness journey. You don't need to live in the gym, but setting a regular workout schedule and sticking to it can make all the difference. I mean, think about it. If you're consistent with even 3 workouts a week, that's over a 150 workouts a year.

Host [00:11:11]:

Imagine the transformation that can bring. Right? Now I'm not telling you you have to spend 90 minutes in the gym or 60 minutes or 45. Maybe it's gonna be, you know, 20 minutes. Maybe it's not gonna be in a gym. Maybe it's gonna be in your basement, in your living room. Maybe it's gonna be in the backyard going for what? Whatever. There are things you can do. Just imagine 

Host [00:11:28]: 

Imagine if 1 year ago, 365 days ago, you would have begun a fitness lifestyle. And between then and now, you would have a 150 workouts in your system. How much different would you think you would feel? Right? Okay. Consistency. Next lesson that we can learn, You've heard about it before, but it bears repeating. You can't out train a bad diet. So even if you got your 150 workouts in you, Diet is important. Okay? So if successful elite bodybuilders are so meticulous about their nutrition that they have diet coaches to help them stay on on track, and they've been doing it for years years years.

Host [00:12:05]:

They know what they're doing, but they still have diet cultures to keep them on track. Why shouldn't we be at least nutritionally aware, cognizant Of what it is that we're sticking in our pie holes. Right? Why shouldn't we be aware? Right? What if we started just simply by cutting out processed foods And surgery snacks. Controlling them, understanding them, recognizing them. Buddy of mine sent me, oh, this is funny. You're gonna Dan, this for you. The meme go the meme goes something like this. He goes, 3 tablespoons of ketchup has more sugar than a glazed doughnut.

Host [00:12:38]:

I was like, wow. He goes, I go, that's a, you know, that's a that's a fantastic wake up call for so many people. So my buddy goes, yeah. He goes, from now on, I'm putting a glazed doughnut on my hamburger. I was like, alright, bro. Rock on. Do you. You do you, man.

Host [00:12:53]:

And you see, that's the thing. Right? Is that I'm not telling you 2, I'm I'm not telling you to put, donuts on your hamburgers, by the way. But I am telling you that at least if you know what it is that you're doing, you could Cognizant and you can sort of, you know, more easily self or auto regulate what it is that you're eating, and I think that that's important. Right? So nutrition does matter. Next lesson that we can learn from these guys is and girls. Yeah. And girls. Recovery is crucial.

Host [00:13:20]:

Right? Lifestyle lesson. Even the pros take time to rest and heal and so should you. Right? Incorporating strategic rest days into your workout routine and considering adding recovery techniques like mobility, some static stretching, foam rolling, it works. And even a relaxing bath or, like, a hot shower or whatever, you know. And, like, remember, your muscles repair and grow, which makes them fuller and more shapely, which is good when you rest, not when you're lifting. You get a pump when you lift, But you grow shape when you rest. Alright? Another lesson that we can learn, and this is this is true for me as it is for you, Another lesson that we learn from these elite bodybuilders is that a good coach makes the world of difference. Okay.

Host [00:14:06]:

These elite guys and girls, they invest in specialized coaching for a reason. It gives them a competitive edge. Okay? While you might not need a team of experts, considering hiring a personal coach just to guide you. Somebody can help you with your Nutrition. Somebody can help you by understanding your body, knowing how that it should move, in what way it should move to, you know, maximize the benefit while reducing the danger to you. Right? Because these guys, they're gonna help by providing advice tailored for where it is that you are that helps you to align your efforts with your fitness goals And making your journey not just more effective and enjoyable, but safer and helping it to become a part of your lifestyle. That's really what It's about. Right? It's developing a fitness lifestyle.

Host [00:14:51]:

Now last 1, mentality. K? Mental resistance. Mental resistance. It's key. K? Your mental game is just as important as your physical one. Consider incorporating mindfulness techniques, Implementing some simple breathing exercises into routine. These practice can help you to stay focused, they help you reduce stress, and they improve your overall well-being. Now before my next statement, I'd like to say that if you waited to hear truth from somebody who was already perfect, You wouldn't be hearing it from me.

Host [00:15:23] 

Alright? But I gotta say this, a healthy mind really leads to a healthy body. So whether you're new to the idea of working out or you're just, you know, like a Gen Xer looking to get back into shape, remember, You don't have to go to extremes to see results. A balanced, consistent approach can bring you the health, The vitality in the body you want. K? There's no automated default hulkification process that is required or even Possible just because you wanna be the healthiest version of yourself, and you're gonna do that with resistance training. And you might take some protein, and you might take better care of yourself, and your body Might start to feel better and, you know, look better too. Yeah. And when you weigh the costs against the benefits, it's Crystal clear that a balanced approach to fitness offers a truly excellent risk to reward ratio, and you don't even have to spend a small fortune to live healthier, fitter in life. Right? K.

Host [00:16:22]:

 Good. Alright. Let's take a break here, and let's go to our q and a segment. Okay? Now today's question is from Lisa. Hi, Lisa. Is cardio or weight lifting better for fat loss? That's the question. Well, Better. Different.

Host [00:16:38]: 

Okay. My short answer is is both. Alright. Look. Cardio burns more calories per minute, but weight lifting helps you build muscle, which increases your resting metabolic rate that helps you to burn more calories at rest. So mix it up for the best results, and that's really the best answer that I can give you. And thank you for your question. We've covered a lot of ground today.

Host [00:17:01]:

So the next time you find yourself hesitating to pick up weights or, you know, using resistance training, I want you to remember this. Please remember this. You're not gonna turn into a bodybuilding prodigy overnight or likely ever, but you certainly can take valuable lessons from the dedication, the discipline, and Drive of the very people who have reached a pinnacle within a sport that requires extreme levels in the very same disciplines required to live a long, healthy, and Satisfying lifestyle. And listen, I've been in the fitness space for over 2 decades, and I've seen firsthand how transformative a consistent, Balanced approach can be. It's not just about the physique. It's about the mental clarity after a workout, the boost in confidence, playing sports with your teenagers for your younger kids or simply walking into a meeting or a social gathering, knowing that you're in control of yourself With an overall sense of well-being that comes from meeting and overcoming challenges in your life. And, hey, if you're looking to make a transformation of your own But don't know where to start? That's exactly what my coaching membership is designed for, to take you from underperforming to lean, fit, And living a fitness lifestyle. Check out the link in the show notes.

Host [00:18:13]:

So, guys, do you have any more questions or myths that you want busted? Send them this way. We appreciate every single one of your questions and every single one of you. Alright. Until next time, I wanna thank you for joining me on this podcast. And The very last thing I want to leave you with is a reminder that each step you take, no matter how small, brings you that much closer to the results that will absolutely make a difference When you just start. Talk soon.

voice guy [00:18:37]:

You've been listening to just start. Early in life, Neil de went from a skinny to a muscular physique. When trends and lifestyle choices led him down a path of fat gain and lost station, his determination to end the madness became a transformative system and a passion for helping Gen x live the fitness this lifestyle for fat loss, mobility, and muscular development. We hope you liked the show. If you did, like, Rate and review. For more info and to reach out to coach Neil D personally, find us on Facebook and Instagram. See you next time on Just Start.

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